While we've been working hard on our Summer plans, you guys have been racing each other in spaceships in the Space Racing Competition! The contest has come to an end last night, and it's now time to announce our winners. Sadly, one of our contestants cheated, and with the new enforcement of the cheating rule, that user will be temporarily banned from winning any competitions. Let this be a future warning to others that playing unfairly is not tolerable. But without further ado, let's look at the scoreboard and see who did win!
- First place: 7 days of citizenship, 5,000 bugs
- Second place: 5 days of citizenship, 4,000 bugs
- Third place: 3 days of citizenship, 3,000 bugs
Congratulations to Bother12, Abood123, Eisteegunf! In case you weren't able to reach the top three this time, have no fear! The Robofactory competition has opened and will be available until June 10th.
Get ready for Summer!
WTF im the 2th place!!