Today, we've got an exciting new update for you all! The team has been working hard on it for quite a while. Here is a list of the updates:
Website Updates
- New citizenship packages are out, with multiple items and different subscription tiers.
- Chotopia team pages have been modified.
- Chotopia Auction glitch where users couldn't bid has been fixed.
- Glitch where webpage kept loading has been fixed.
- Updated blog feed to a sidebar, and added a close button below ;).
In-game Updates
- Users will now go to brb when heading over to their wardrobes.
- News feed in game was modified and ready for future update. (Claim button doesn't work yet)
- Artists' underground has officially moved between the Agents' and Citizen's underground.
- Player cards got a small touch up (including new Journalist badges)
- Achievements display has been modified (temporary, will be updated in June's update).
- Bank display has been modified and ready for future update. (This feature will be for citizens only)
- Level display has been modified.
- Second floor home extension has been modified.
That's all for now! Just kidding, the final updates are:
- A new shopping location! Hint: Find the new Shop extension through the current shop.
The new shop is different from all the other shops. We're officially pushing the release of multicolor items! Chotopians can now optimize their looks through this enhanced shop feature by purchasing items with two colors, rather than the typical one!
That's all for updates, thank you for the continued support.
We plan to release the next two big updates in June and July.
- Chotopia Team